Real estate, search & comparison

Help real estate agents or future buyers to find the most valuable properties based on multiple factors such as location, fit to the market and gross estimation.

Homing bird

Product Designer

Saas Product

Mobile and Desktop


What are we solving

Real estate agents or buyers must conduct considerable research simultaneously, and it takes time to gather all the relevant information about a property.

Main users

Real estate agent

Manages multiple clients, has to centralize properties info and stay alert of anything new on the market and build a portfolio.

Private buyer

Looking to buy a new property for him or to rent, he has to know in a glimpse if the item is worth it, and stay alert.

We started by conducting interviews with real estate agents and buyers to understand their challenges on their day to day routine. From there we defined a product canvas and started to tackle wireframes.

Decisions maker and minimal approach

The interface shows quickly the relevant information without drowning the user in to complexity, he can also save an alert or add to favorite from the same screen.

From desktop to mobile, create a search from everywhere

Even if we identified the main utilization on desktop and tablet, we thought the experience on mobile would allow the user to carry the data in his pocket and stay alert.

Custom alerts and favorites list

To keep the interface neat and not overwhelming, alerts and favorites have their own menu and appears as folders.


We ran a couple of users test before launching, we received great feedback from our beta users test, and launched the MVP in 2020.


Wireframes sample

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