Mathieu Serrano

Revenue dashboard for hotels

Present the hotel proprietor with the maximum amount of pertinent details and findings in a format that is simple to comprehend, with the aim of aiding them in formulating their budgetary plan.

Life House

Product Designer


Mobile and Desktop

What are we solving

As an hotel owner I want to easily see how my property is performing, relative to how I hoped it would perform, and answer the question “am I on track to hit budget?”

Main users

General Manager

Manages independent hotel responsible for the hotel’s P&L, reports to the hotel owner manages rates & strategy.

≥ 100 keys, 1 Hotel


Owns an independent hotel responsible for the hotel’s P&L tasks the GM with most aspects of the day-to-day ops.

≥ 100 keys, 1-3 Hotels

We wanted to be sure users can quickly memorize photographically and then summarize the key takeaways to someone

Filter by periods of time & compare against key metrics

Ability to filter by crucial periods & compare against key metrics, to ensure a large amount of data is presented succinctly.

Accessible at user fingertips

Dashboard designed for mobile utilization; the data revealed a clear mobile adoption from the users.

Pricing calendar view

Allowing the user to navigate and see in details each days of the year and make adjustements if needed.


We ran a couple of users test before launching, which was encouraging. Today it’s the feature the most used by our users in their daily routine, and there is a neat preference for mobile utilization.

Glimpse into the research phase

Wireframes and flow.

Design system

Sample of the design system built for the entire product

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